Visiting the allotments

There has been a lot of fee fi fo fumming in Nursery this week reading all about the giant in Jack and the Beanstalk.

The week started off being very active with lots of dancing for the Danceathon! We were all danced out after 45 minutes of dancing with Transition and some of the Form 7 children.

We all enjoyed a fantastic visit to the Otford Allotments with the children doing fabulous listening to myself and Mrs Sayers about keeping safe walking through the village. We were met by Steve, one of the allotment holders who chatted about all the vegetables and fruits which are grown and he had some on a table and we had to guess what they were - some amazing answers from the little green-fingered Nursery children! We saw strawberries and rhubarb, apple trees and some beautiful irises, as well as carrots growing in an old bath which we all thought was very funny. Back in Nursery, we have been busy planting our own magic beans and sunflowers - please send some photos, so we can see how they're doing. We have also planted some lettuce, which we hope will start sprouting over half term. 
The children have been busy exploring the different beans with funnels, measuring spoons and pots and filling pots in the garden with the leftover soil and stones for the seeds.
Following on from the life cycle of a butterfly, the children have been looking at the life cycle of a bean. To help us remember, we read Jasper's Beanstalk about a little cat who grew a bean after being a little impatient waiting for it to grow.
The children drew their own beanstalks in their Special Books with unicorns and rainbows too. We even had a golden hen with an enormous golden egg! The children practised their cutting by making spirals for our Nursery beanstalk and there was great concentration when they made Cheerio beanstalks, with lots of tasting in between.
On Thursday, we decided to make the giant a cookie and so we were keeping an eye out for the giant who was singing; fee fi fo fum I smell a cookie yum yum yum! Luckily we managed to taste some and bring some home before he found it.
Very excitingly, when we returned from the allotments one of our butterflies had hatched from its cocoon. It had beautiful red and orange wings and we loved watching it spread out its wings in the sunshine. We put in some lilac, rose and blossom petals with some sugar water, then we let it go in the Nursery garden on Thursday and watched it fly off into Mr McCarthy's garden! We are waiting for the other three to hatch, hopefully before half term starts.
We are looking forward to our Pre-Prep coffee morning and we wish you all a very happy half term holiday! We are getting very excited about our trip to Kent Life the first week back!

The allotments are having a stall at the Otford Village Fete on Monday 29th July so you may like to go and say hello! There is an open morning on 15th July from 10-12, if your children would like to take you to see the wonderful allotments and see how the carrots in the bath are growing!


Tagged  Nursery  Bulletins