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Enthusiastic and resilient

What an amazing Sports day! Mrs Sayers and I were so incredibly proud of your children for showing such confidence, resilience and enthusiasm to join in with the Transition class and Form 1 Sports Day.

The enjoyment and, at times, the competitiveness of all the children was such a joy to see and it was so lovely to see you all cheering and clapping for all the children. Such a fabulous start to the week and a fantastic end to the Summer Term. We are now practising our singing for the Pre-Prep celebration next week!
This week has been all about sharing and caring for each other just like the three friends in our story of Sharing a Shell. We have talked about how we can share favourite toys and games and show kindness to our friends. The children loved pressing the shells into the clay to look at the similarities and differences between the patterns and thinking about what sea creatures used to live inside the shells just like the crab, anemone and bristle worm in our story. The clay was then painted using the pretty pearlised paints to enhance the patterns. 
The children practised their cutting skills by cutting and snipping around the pictures of the sea creatures which are found in rock pools to create their own collages of rock pools including sharks and treasure chests!
Rainmakers were made by adding rice and pasta to the tubes to create a rainfall effect just like the storm in the story. The children made a rock pool in the garden using shells, stones, sea creatures and they used the nets to fish to see what they could catch!
In the garden, the children have been having sleepovers and making dens to develop and extend their imaginative play. It is always such a joy to watch the children bringing their interests into Nursery and creating such fabulous games together. 
As this is the last Nursery bulletin of the school year, myself and Mrs Sayers would like to thank all the children for all the fun times we have had together this term and also a big thank you to you all for the fabulous support you always give to us and the school. We both wish you a very happy summer holiday and we look forward to seeing you in September. 
Tagged  Nursery  Bulletins