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Keeping it cool

As the week started off with more soaring temperatures, we decided it was time to incorporate some ice into our play! This certainly cooled the children down. They enjoyed exploring the ice and finding different ways to melt it in the water tray.

This week, our topic was all about our summer holidays. We started the week by having a shared carpet-time where some of us described where we went on holiday and the different activities we did. Following on from this, the children were encouraged to draw pictures of their holidays. Mrs Nelson and I were very impressed by the super pictures drawn by the class. It seemed like everyone had such a lovely time on their summer break and there are memories to last a lifetime! Some of us were able to write some words to accompany our pictures too.

We continued making our self-portraits this week, using paper plates as our base! All the children were eager to make the correct colour choices for their hair and eyes. Whilst doing this, we spoke about their likes and dislikes too! This will help to construct our ‘Guess Who’ display board.

On Tuesday, we went for a visit to the school library. For some children this was their first time visiting. The children enjoyed exploring the different types of books and reading stories. We also played a phonics matching game which all children enjoyed and did very well with!

As we shared lots of discussions this week on our summer holidays, we thought we could make (and pack!) our very own suitcases. The children used the scissors to cut out the items they would like to take on their holiday. We made sure to carefully consider what we packed and shared discussions on the right type of clothing to pack depending on our holiday destination.

Other activities this week have included; repeating pattern octopus, exploring bolts and screws, our letter sound ‘y’ and exploring magnets.

As always, on Friday we had a chance to explore the gymnastic equipment in the hall. Everyone in Transition demonstrated great climbing and balancing skills. For the children who will be joining Form 1 in January, it was their first taste of Form 1 Gymnastics. They all did an excellent job as they joined in with Form 1 in their lesson. Mr Trigger and Mrs Curling were very excited by the level of skill the children displayed.


Tagged  Transition  Bulletins