Owl babies

It has been a very busy week in Nursery with the children busily involved in lots of activities for our story Owl Babies.

We started the week by making sticky chocolate owl nests by crumbling Shredded Wheat biscuits and adding sticky melted chocolate and of course adding some chocolate sprinkles on the top! We hope you enjoyed tasting them at home.
The children have been very focused practising their scissor skills to cut around pictures of the owls to make stick puppets and also cutting the pictures to sequence the story. We were amazed at how well they all recalled the story, with their favourite phrase being I love my mummy, which led to lots of chatter about everyone who we love. 
The children enjoyed exploring the natural resources to make a nest and the owls for our display board, so there was straw and feathers flying everywhere in the Nursery! We are excited to put our baby photos up and play guess the baby next week. 
Outside there was more investigation and exploring of natural resources to make the woodland animals a home - there were nests for the birds and underground homes for the rabbit, fox and badger. A couple of children then made a home for the big bad wolf using Sticklebricks! 
The children built some amazing homes with the wooden bricks and the Duplo for the little figures - there was a lot of building going on in the construction area too making homes for the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf with sticks and bricks. The children have loved dressing up in the new builders outfits, so if you need any DIY done at the weekend we can recommend the Russell House Nursery builders!
We have all loved being back in the music room for our music lessons with Ms Norford where we have been busy learning the songs for Harvest and playing the enormous drum by tapping out our names and of course making very loud sounds! 
The children have loved listening to Owl Babies this week and also the Grumpy Frog, Quick Quack Quentin, Big Box, Little Box and Winnie the Witch stories as well as many others. During the story of Winnie and her Magic Carpet the children shared some fabulous ideas of where they would go on a magic carpet - to a princess castle, Italy, to see mummy and daddy, Frozen Land, and to see the animals at the farm - what lovely imaginations!
We have also enjoyed a walk to the Paddock and joining in with the Listening Box game. In the garden the children have loved water play, sleepovers, making cakes in the sandpit and of course lots of imaginative play. And the children are learning to line up when we walk around school and are doing a fantastic job!
We are all looking forward to our story We're Going on a Bear Hunt next week and also to see the fire engine on Tuesday.
Have a lovely weekend. 
Tagged  Nursery  Bulletins