Amazing Amazon
26 Jan 2024This week, Form 7 have been getting stuck into their Amazon Projects. This project is cross-curricular, and although it has a heavy English and Geography focus, the children have been finding links to other subject areas during their tasks.
In this project, the emphasis is on the children to acquire and apply relevant information that they have gathered. So far, this has led to them creating a cover page with cultural references and some excellent maps of South America and their chosen countries. There has been a lot of excitement around this topic and I will keep you posted on its progress in future weeks.
The children have also been completing their circle projects in Maths this week, resulting in some fantastic patterns and mathematical structures being drawn into circles. They particularly enjoyed creating their mystic roses (look out for more of these in the Russell House Spring Magazine). These involved investigating a pattern on the chromebooks, before attempting to replicate it for themselves. There were some outstanding results.
Other highlights from this week included the first contact rugby match of the year for the Form 7 boys, as well as a tremendous performance from our gymnastic squad, during Thursday’s assembly. Good luck to all of our gymnasts in their upcoming regional competition.