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Inspirational origami

This has been a very busy week for the Form 6 children. Workshops have started, clubs have restarted and so have our sports fixtures.

On Wednesday, the boys played their first rugby matches and the girls played their first netball matches of the season and there are many more to come. We have also had two members of the class participate in the first chess match of the year. Well done, everyone.

There has been plenty of curiosity in English this week as the class has begun their study of Skellig by David Almond. The book tells the story of a boy who discovers a strange creature in his ramshackle garage. The class will be developing comprehension and discussion skills, as well as using the story as inspiration for their own creative writing.

In Form 6 humanities, the children have been studying Buddhism. They have looked closely at the Buddhist teachings, learning about the four noble truths. They have discovered the significance of meditation to Buddhists and the way they use it to control their mind, body and emotions. Mr Plant set the class the task of completing some origami, popular in Asian culture, with the hope that the children would be able to focus on the instructions being given and to clear their minds and control their thoughts. It helped the class to tackle any frustration when they got the folds wrong, as well as helping them to persevere with the task in hand. We now look forward to seeing what the children create for their homework.
In French, there was huge excitement in the room as the children were finally able to open and read their Christmas and New Year cards from their pen pals in France. What a lovely way to start the term.
Tagged  Form 6  Bulletins