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Oats flying everywhere

What a busy week we have had in Nursery, doing lots of fun activities for our story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Oats has been flying everywhere as the children made porridge for daddy bear, mummy bear and baby bear and, of course, Goldilocks had her fair share too! The story allows the children to distinguish between the different sounds of the characters' voices using a big, deep growly voice for daddy bear, a high-pitched, squeaky voice for mummy bear and a quiet voice for baby bear. The story gives the children opportunities to join in with the repeated words and phrases and to anticipate events. The children have loved acting out the characters all ready for our Pre-Prep Assembly next week! The children have also been learning our Goldilocks song about the house of the bears. We have also been reading the story of A Chair for Baby Bear and Goldisocks, which is a story with no pictures and lots of funny rhyming words!

Using the porridge oats with different bowls and containers allowed the children to explore sizes of big, medium and small and to use descriptive mathematical language as they fill and empty the bowls, such as more or less. The children have shown some lovely sharing together by taking turns making porridge for the bears and Goldilocks.