Our five senses
23 Feb 2024It has been lovely to welcome the children back into Transition this week and hear all about their busy half-term holidays.
On Monday, we shared a lovely circle time, listening to everyone talk about their holidays and looking at their Home/School Journals. The children completed some brilliant work, drawing a picture of their holidays and having a go at writing a sentence to accompany it. All children are able to hold their pencil using the correct grip and are really getting the hang of copying those tricky letter shapes.
Our area of interest for this week has been all about food. The children were very excited to get to try some fruits and vegetables on Monday. We were very careful about how we tried each one, thinking about our five senses before eating them. There was lots of lovely language about what we could see, feel and smell before we finally got to put the foods in our mouths to see what we could taste and hear as we bit into them. The children did a fantastic job at trying new foods. Some children even discovered that they did like some of the foods that they thought they didn’t!