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Protecting our planet

Our focus this week has centred around taking care of our planet. We have been learning about the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) and discovered the little changes we can make that are a huge help to our world. Our eco warriors have been doing a great job of sorting all our recycling into the correct places and have learnt a very catchy song that’s given us even more ideas to help the health of our planet.

We listened to a story called Somebody Swallowed Stanley about a plastic bag that ends up in the ocean and then gets eaten by a whale, a seagull and a turtle, who mistake it for a jellyfish. Transition agreed that plastic does not belong in our seas or rivers, and as a reminder, we made a jellyfish from unwanted plastic bags and bubble wrap. Mrs Nelson was keen to help with our recycling mission too, and shared a book with the children, which inspired them to turn trash into treasure, as they created houses, boats and even rocket ships!

In maths, we were excited to use our addition machine, which allowed us to add two numbers together. We took two numbers, counted them out with pom poms into two tubes, then checked the total that came out of our machine. I was so impressed with Transition’s counting skills - I’m not sure if they needed the machine at all!

Our letter sound this week was j which I thought might be a tricky one, but Transition proved me wrong! They came up with lots of ideas for the sound, including jam and jellyfish, and took such good care when drawing their pictures, because they know I like detail and colour. They have also been trying really hard when writing their names, and I’ve seen such an improvement.

In literacy, we’ve been finding out what syllables are and having lots of fun using our bodies by clapping, nodding and stomping to find out the amount of syllables in different words. We drummed out the syllables in our names and found out that most people in our class have names with two syllables.

On Thursday, we read another inspiring book called Greta and the Giants. The children had so many ideas about how we could help the Giants to realise they were ruining the forests for the animals. In the story, Greta and lots of other people make signs to tell the Giants to stop and to save the forests. We had a go at writing our own signs using the children’s ideas. Some of the signs said Stop and listen! and Stop cutting the trees or there will be no holes for the little owls. What great messages!

After the story, we went on a lovely walk around the school grounds to see if we could see, or hear, any birds. We spotted a robin, a magpie and a crow, but heard many more. We even tried talking to the crows, and to our surprise, they answered back! Back in class, we discussed the importance of birds as seed spreaders and insect eaters, and why we need to look after them. We decided to make apple bird feeders, to show them we care and to give them some extra energy in the lead up to the nesting season. We can’t wait to see if any birds come to our bird cafe!



Tagged  Transition  Pre-Prep  Bulletins