Who, what, when, where, why?

Form 4 have begun to write newspaper reports during their English lessons.

They began by spending some time reading copies of First News and finding out about the key features of a newspaper article. They then decided which event their news story would be about and wrote their initial paragraph, making sure they included the 5 Ws - who, what, when, where and why.

In maths, they have been calculating the area and perimeter of 2D shapes and in science they carried out an experiment to find out if all magnets had the same strength. They quickly concluded that this was not the case and the size of the magnet was irrelevant.

In humanities, they found out about some of the main gods and goddesses in Hinduism and made links between their work earlier this year on Roman gods and goddesses. 
The girls also enjoyed their first competitive cricket match this week.
Tagged  Form 4  Bulletins