Ice ornaments
19 Jan 2024There has been so much learning going on in Nursery this week as we have been learning about sizes in our story, Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
The children have been amazing at retelling one of our favourite stories and anticipating what happens next in the story whilst looking at all the illustrations. We also enjoyed the story A Chair for Baby Bear where Baby Bear visits a chair shop to choose a new chair only to find there were none he liked. Thankfully, Goldilocks had left him a perfect new little bear chair on the doorstep when they got home! We had lots of giggling and laughter listening to the story of Goldisocks and the Three Badgers, with the wrong words which the children were fabulous at listening to and identifying which word it should have been instead!
The children loved making their own bear faces for our display and they drew some lovely pictures of the bears and Goldilocks in their Special Books. There have been many cutting activities whilst we were cutting and snipping around pictures to make stick puppets, which we hope you enjoyed at home too! More cutting was involved when the children sorted the pictures of the bowls, chairs and beds for each of the bears. We were very impressed with some super cutting and sorting the objects into the right sizes.
Wooden bricks were used to create houses for the bears to live in. It was great thinking to use the triangular ones for the roofs of the houses. And there was a lot of concentration when the children used the tweezers to find the right coloured bears under the masking tape grid, which is great for fine motor skills, colour sorting and turn taking.