Luna New Year
31 Jan 2025This week, Form 1 we have been learning all about Chinese New Year or Luna New Year and how this is celebrated around the world.
We have watched lots of clips on the CTouch board that have given the children a fantastic insight into all the customs and traditions that take place during this special time of year. We also learnt a little bit about China and where it is on the map.
It was lots of fun learning about the story of The Great Race, which explains the Chinese zodiac and which animals represent each year. We listened to the story told by the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra alongside a little animation that explained how each of the 12 animals took part in the race across the river. Some of Form 1 were born in the year of the rat and some children were born in the year of the pig. The children considered if they had any of the qualities that their animal portrayed in the story.
In literacy, the children wrote a sentence about which animal's year they were born in and drew a picture of their animal to accompany their work.