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Poetry and performances

The children were excited to take part in a Guinness World Record attempt for the largest ever poetry lesson.

Amalgamating ideas from schools around the globe on the subject of Counting, poet Laura Mucha worked with the children to edit her rough draft into a polished, finished piece. We were excited to recognise some of the ideas we had submitted during our initial poetry lessons two weeks ago. There was an official Guinness World Record adjudicator present online and she will be collating the evidence over the next couple of days. We are waiting with baited breath to see if Russell House will soon hold an official Guinness World Record! In the meantime, you can read our collaborative poem.
As part of environmental awareness week, the whole school enjoyed some delicious meat-free meals all week. Mrs Carn led a fantastic assembly in which she explained how every little change that we make can make a difference to the environment. During Form Time, we discussed how we can help to make a difference at school and at home and the children came up with some superb ideas, starting with simply turning the light off when we leave the room.
On Monday, we were treated to a wonderful music assembly, in which some of the Form 6 children performed to the rest of the school. Well done to all of our amazing musicians. On Monday afternoon, the first group of children travelled to The Sevenoaks Larder with Mrs Carn and now the second group are now looking forward to their visit next Monday.
Tagged  Form 6  Bulletins