
Sport is a cornerstone of prep school life. We promote enjoyment and participation in a wide range of games while encouraging individuals and teams to achieve at the highest levels within school and at county and national events.

Sport plays an essential role in allowing children to develop many aspects of their character and their wellbeing. From the outset in gymnastics, our pupils learn about their bodies. They discover their strengths and are encouraged to push themselves. They discover their limitations and are coached to overcome them.

Through competition, they work hard knowing that winning is important but they also understand the importance of their personal skills as an individual and their role as part of a team. They take pride in wearing the sports kit and representing their school. Etiquette and manners underpin the coaching of sport at Russell House so that we win while maintaining the respect of the opposition. We also experience how to lose with dignity.

Our well-qualified and experienced games staff understand the need to treat each child as an individual. In the Pre-Prep, Games is about self-discovery and fun. In the Main School, each child is taught and given specific individual coaching points so their personal skills and their fitness are enhanced.

These are all attitudes and patterns of behaviour that the children can take with them to their secondary school and beyond.

Curriculum overview

Children enjoy a wide variety of sport. Many sessions for younger age groups have boys and girls learning together in swimming, tennis, gymnastics, cross country and athletics. They also begin to specialise.

Boys play competitive football, rugby and cricket. Girls play netball, hockey and cricket. Russell House is committed to equal opportunities, therefore any child who has a passion and the requisite skill level for a sport not normally associated with their gender is able to represent the school.

Matches against other prep schools are normally played on games afternoons (Wednesdays for Forms 6 and 7 and Thursdays for Forms 4 and 5). Pupils also take part in House matches and in local and national tournaments.