
Our aim is to develop the mathematical skills of every child and enable all to work with confidence when using mental skills and written methods in a wide range of situations.

Pupils are encouraged to develop enquiring minds, to become increasingly self-motivated, confident and capable of solving problems and participating in investigative work.

All pupils of all abilities are supported in class to ensure each finds the subject an enjoyable experience and aims to reach their potential through differentiated activities, games, investigations and exercises. Pupils in their final year engage with extended project work forging cross-curricular links and creativity, often using their computing skills.

Pupils are encouraged to see difficulties as challenges well worth the investment of effort and time to investigate. They share their ideas with each other and are supported as they take responsibility for their own learning. The aims of group work in mathematics are to enhance thinking skills, logical steps and communication.

The inspirational teaching within this department helps to ensure that many of our children work at a level several years in advance of their chronological age as they progress through Key Stage 2.

Curriculum Overview:

We have created a bespoke curriculum for Russell House with elements taken from various government curriculum initiatives, a wide range of published schemes, web-based activities including Accelerated Maths, Mathletics and our own materials.

The acquisition of fluency, mathematical reasoning and problem solving skills are at its heart and we run a rigorous assessment cycle addressing the needs of the class and the children as individuals.

Selected Highlights:

  • Pupils in Key Stage 2 compete against other local schools in competitive maths races. This provides the able mathematician the chance to shine, and teams often return to school having won the trophy.
  • Our top two years participate in the Primary Maths Challenge run by the Mathematical Association. Several children are usually selected to take part in the National Finals. We have been awarded bronze, silver and gold medals - this is an exceptional achievement and a great thrill for our gifted mathematicians.
  • Pupils in the first two years of Key Stage 2 participate in the First Maths Challenge from the Mathematical Association. This is the precursor to the Primary Maths Challenge and our pupils score very well, with some being awarded a special certificate for getting full marks.
  • Pupils in Key Stage 2 take part in Inter-House maths competitions. The children work as teams, decide on roles, share tasks and enjoy the excitement of the chase.
  • Puzzle club and puzzle days encourage teamwork and are an enjoyable way of exploring problems and developing spatial reasoning.
  • At the end of Key Stage 1 we introduce Accelerated Maths, a highly individualised programme of online exercises and assessments tailored to each child. Detailed feedback enables each child to become proactive in their own learning. Pupils work towards various rewards while still working at their own level. 
  • In Key Stage 2 and upper Key Stage 1, the pupils use Mathletics, a computer-based interactive programme of maths games and practice allowing children to hone their skills and to compete with each other or against pupils worldwide.

Most children sit the Kent 11+ tests and we have an impressive track record in achieving high scores. Scholarships are regularly awarded in independent school entrance examinations.